Professional Development
Project CLASS Core-Skills Training
The Core-Skills Training is a full-day training experience (6.5 hours) that is intensive, highly interactive and focused on skills development. The Core-Skills Training is usually taken in groups such as whole schools (all teachers & staff). The Core-Skills Training is provided In-Person at our training facility located in the Heights. This training includes check-in from 8:00 to 8:30. Workshop participants include teachers, teacher assistants, principals, assistant principals, parents, counselors, other staff and adults engaged with children. Typically, there is one Project CLASS Trainer for each cluster of 4-7 workshop participants to facilitate role-playing and skill acquisition by all participants. Workshop Training most frequently occurs the two to three weeks before the start of school in August.
Workshop Description
The Project CLASS Workshop builds on the current skills of the participants and strengthens abilities to:
- concentrate teaching on important, simple, clear, defined user-friendly social skills;
- notice and communicate what children are doing and not doing in their social behavior;
- communicate with language and intention that help children implement skills and experience success;
- respond in a consistent and effective way to children’s appropriate and inappropriate social skills behavior, facilitating their social skills development;
- effectively “set expectations” for social skills behaviors;
- effectively use “praise and positive attention” directly linked to social skills behaviors;
- effectively use “reminder prompts” directly linked to social skills behaviors;
- effectively make use of “choices” and “consequences” directly linked to social skills behaviors;
- make social skills teaching FUN by using music, songs, movements, and stories;
- avoid a number of pitfalls that lead to power struggles with children;
- feel more confident that participants know what to teach and how to teach social skills effectively;
- teach social skills positively with positive results.

To confirm available Project CLASS Workshop Training dates,
contact Katrina Chance at 713-868-1943 or
Training Times & Dates: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
August 7, 2024 (Wednesday) In Person
August 8, 2024 (Thursday) In Person
August 10, 2024 (Saturday) In Person
August 12, 2024 (Monday) In Person
August 13, 2024 (Tuesday) In Person
August 17, 2024 (Saturday) In Person
September 20, 2024 (Friday) In Person
October 19, 2024 (Saturday) In Person
We train hundreds of teachers during the school year and there are a limited number of training slots available each workshop date.
Click here for registration form Download & Complete Email to kchance |
Training fee: $350 per person.
Group Discount Below.
Group Discount: $300 per person if 3 or more participants are registered together.
Project CLASS Workshop Training Cost & Enrollment
Tuition for Project CLASS Workshop Training is $350 per person, with a discount to $300 per person if there are 3 or more participants. Tuition includes each participant receiving a set of 10 social skills posters (11 x 17), songs & music, and manual. Posters are also available in Spanish. Tuition needs to be pre-paid in full for registration.
Payment Information for Registration
- For CC payment over the phone, contact Katrina Chance at 832-623-9889.
- For PayPal payment: (Donate/Pay)
- For Check payment, make check payable to Houston Achievement Place and mail to:
Houston Achievement Place (Attn: Project CLASS)
245 W. 17th Street
Houston, TX 77008
Additionally, we provide Project CLASS services to whole schools comprised of three integrated components:
Project CLASS Core Skills Workshop Training
In-School & In-Classroom services provided by Project CLASS Trainers who are typically certified Teachers (1 or 2 full-school days each week of the school year, school hours)
On-going direct contact services for the children with the most behavior problems & social skills deficits
Project CLASS Workshop Training Location for In-Person Training Sessions

Location: 236 West 17th Street. Houston, Texas 77008.
Registration: 8:00 to 8:30 am.
Workshop: 8:30 to 2:30 pm. (starts promptly at 8:30 am).
Working Lunch & Light Breakfast with Coffee provided.